Example 12 - Generate Code to Insert into PDF form data into ADO.Net database
Please complete this form.
  1. User Messages:
    1. Status: Complete this form, and then press the Test button.
  2. Compatibility Results:
    1. Please input your PDF document below, and press the test button.
  3. Output: Field Information
  4. How to use this tester?:

    To view the results at the top of this page, please select a fillable Adobe Acrobat form or a fillable LiveCycle Designer PDF form, then click the Test button.

    3-ways to check generate the code

    1. Modify the PDF form submit action on to point to the following URL,
    2. Supply the Absolute Url of the PDF
    3. Directly upload your editable form or form data.
  1. Step #1: Import PDF form: Select one method
    1. http://www.nk-inc.com/software/fdftoolkit.net/examples/example_12.aspx?act=parse

    2. Status: ready.
      Maximum individual file size limit is 10 megabytes.
      Maximum total file size limit is 10 megabytes.

      Files uploaded: none

  2. User Messages:
    1. Status: Complete this form, and then press the Test button.
  3. Step #2: Form actions:
  4. VB.NET Output:
    C# Output: